Wednesday 20 November 2013

Suzuka Enduro- More Photos

We should have posted these a few weeks back but were busy with all the Cycle Mode stuff. Just some random shots from the Suzuka Enduro...

If there was an award for best jersey on the day it really should go to this this classic Lemond period Team Z shirt...

There were thousands of very high end bikes everywhere you looked, we tried our best to get pictures of the Japanese ones we found like theses two super nice Nakagawa's...

...And this nicely done custom Panasonic...

Team Dobbat's really caught our eye with their beautiful custom builds...

And this stunning pink Cherubim certainly stood out from all the black carbon...

...As did this, erm, black carbon Graphite Design...

Away from the track in the "market area"  the big companies like Mavic and Colnago were showing off some of their new bikes and kit...

While back out on the track a strong wind picked up in the afternoon really causing the riders to suffer...

Maybe the recumbent riders had the right idea, stay low and out of the wind...

The pits were busy all day long with riders and bikes everywhere...

 A great day had by all. Team Guell are already planning tactics for next year's ride looking for a top fifty placing, better get some serious training in over the coming winter!