Saturday 8 March 2014

Guell Night Ride

Out with the Guell crew in Nara last Monday for a night ride across town to the Nara Batting Center...

Toshio-san and Brad discuss batting technique!
One day, somehow, we are going to learn how to take fantastic photographs at night, whilst riding. Unfortunately last Monday was not that day. These are the best eight shots out of about fifty we took...

The quiet roads of Nara city.
Parking is not a problem!
Susumu-san and Brad on the plate...
 This is the target, hit this and you score a home run....

Home Run!!!
 The only home run we did that night was the ride back across town!

Arigato to Toshio-san and the whole Guell crew, next time we promise to hit at least one home run and take at least ten usable photographs!