Tuesday 14 February 2017

Achieve Ride Pt 5

An early start last Sunday, hooking up with F-i-N to catch the train to Kyoto...

Feeling the benefits of evil globalisation with a much needed coffee stop...

The destination was the Achieve shop who had organised a Sunday morning alley cat/orienteering ride...

The group was split into teams of three and we had two hours to hit as many of six checkpoints around the city as we could...

First stop was the art museum...

Where the Makio Yamaguchi "Bird in Crotch: Saddle" was the required find...

Then back out on the road heading for the second checkpoint, F-i-N setting a puke inducing pace...

As F-i-N and Andrew went on ahead, KCDC took a rest stop, did some map checking (smoked a fag) and took a few photos...

A quick combini stop for pisses, smokes and a Red Bull...

And we were back in the game...

The final point we hit was the railway museum...

And then back to Achieve to wait for everyone to return...

There was a fair amount of #bikeporn around...

After leaving Acheive we took a trip to the superb new Crazy Sheep Farm shop...

Then a gentle cruise through town, taking shots as we went...

A stop at the ever wonderful Cycle Garden...

Hanging out down by the river...

Before catching the train back to little Nara...

OK, here come the thank you's; Massive thanks to Brad and Andrew for being such wonderful team mates (we actually won the alley cat, fuck know's how!!) Huge thanks to everyone at Achieve & Cycle Garden & Deeper's Wear for putting on such a cool ride. And cheers (forgive the Instagram names) to Kiilo Bicycle, HossicaMichiko, BromnLife, NY.City6813, Kohei and all the Grid boys and everyone else who came out and made it such a fun ride. There will be more from the Crazy Sheep shop and more bike photos from the ride posted here just as soon as we can be arsed to edit all the photos.