Sunday 30 June 2013

Bicycle Parking Is Not A Crime...

...But in Japan it can be bloody difficult to find a spot to lock your bike up when you are out and about. There are many bicycle parking facilities here but more often than not you will find them full up leaving you to roam the streets looking for a suitable parking space. A ideal situation looks like the one below, bikes neatly stored on the pavement with plenty of room for more...

...Although usually you will find a situation like this, crammed full of bicycle chaos.

It can be helpful if you can find some way to make your bicycle stand out from the rest...

...Or even to find your own unique spot.

If you are just popping into a shop it is OK to lock your bike outside...

 ...But that can quickly lead to scenes like this when everyone else has the same idea...

Even the allocated bicycle racks can quickly become chaotic.

And always be aware for the dreaded bicycle parking police...

 If your bike has been parked in a prohibited area you will receive a warning ticket, after that your bike can be removed and taken to a bicycle pound where you will have to pay a small fine in order to retrieve it.

The wonderful Tokyo By Bike has many more in depth articles about bicycle parking in Japan.